Protest in Amsterdam Marks 75th Anniversary of World Human Rights Day

A protest is the simplest form of resistance to express one’s dissatisfaction to achieve the freedom of one’s life. – from Abdurehim Gheni’s notebook

December 10th, 2023


On this day, we, a diverse group of Uyghurs, Tibetans, South Mongolians, Hongkongers, Cantonese, and democratic Chinese activists, gathered at Amsterdam Dam Square to express our collective protest against the Chinese Communist government, marking the 75th anniversary of World Human Rights Day.

Event Details:

The event commenced at 12:30 PM with an opening speech by Mrs. Tsering Jampa, President of the Dutch Tibet Support Organization. Abdurrehim Gheni, President of the Uyghur Support Organization, delivered a poignant message, stating

“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. We are here today at Dam Square to celebrate the most important day in the history of human rights.” 75 years ago/on december 10th, 1948, the United Nations adopted a miracle document: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Most countries of the world have agreed to it.

It says: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights”

And here today are Uyghurs, Tibetans, South Mongolians, Hong Kong, Cantonese, and others whose human rights do not exist in occupied East Turkestan, Tibet, and other regions in China.

If the Human Rights are universal and absolute:

  • Then why? Why is there a need for thousands (1,000) of human rights organizations costing over fifteen billion US dollars a year, to fight for what the Declaration states as absolute human rights?
  • Then why? Why after seventy-five years is there genocide in occupied East Turkestan against the Uyghurs and others? 
  • Where in the Declaration does it allow: Terrorism of the Chinese government; Millions of Uyghur in occupied East Turkestan in Concentration Camps?

Uyghur culture destroyed, religion forbidden, Organ Harvesting, Families destroyed, Torture; Rape, Children taken, Forced Marriages, and Forced abortions.

EVERY Article of the Declaration, all thirty, is violated by the Chinese authorities. Pick anyone. Result: Genocide.

  • Then why, with the Declaration, has the genocide in occupied East Turkestan not been stopped? Why did the genocide even start?
  • Why have I for the last four years, come here to Amsterdam damsquare as a man protesting against China’s ongoing genocide in my home country East Turkestan?
  • This is personal. For more than six years, nineteen of my family members have been missing in my homeland occupied East Turkestan.
  • Until today I don’t know if any are alive or dead, imprisoned, or suffered any atrocities. My family is the evidence of China’s genocide against Uyghurs.

I experienced the receiving end of government-sanctioned genocide, the fear, and the helplessness under such tyranny. I see the lack of concrete results in the many human rights efforts by organizations and governments despite the Declaration. So – I fight on/, as one man can…


The event concluded at 14:30, with representatives from various organizations voicing their concerns about human rights violations in China.


Join us in condemning and imposing sanctions on the Chinese government to prevent the Uyghur genocide from becoming our legacy, ensuring the Universal Declaration of Human Rights truly remains a miracle document.

Share this post and spread awareness about the ongoing human rights struggles.

11 dec. 2023